John's LetterPop Profile

AvatarI'm one of the John Watsons on the first page of Google when you search for John Watson but not one of the famous ones. The famous ones are: the John Watson who writes and reviews chess books and the John Watson who invented the behaviorism branch of psychology. I'm also not the John Watson who is the senator of Tasmania or John Watson Chevrolet of Ogden, Utah.

I'm the John Watson who blogs about vomit. I'm John Watson the dad.

I talk about my kids a lot. I have two, a girl and a boy. I am lucky enough to also have a Lovely and Talented Wife. Like my son, I'm easily distracted by shiny objects. I love them all.

I'm a professional software engineer and I've been doing that since 1994, although I've been programming computers as a hobby since I was about 10. I was born in 1972.

I'm also one of the founders of, the creators of

John has created some great newsletters:

Summer Vacation
July 5, 2007

What a difference 20 years makes
February 1, 2007

We tiled our bathroom ourselves!
January 10, 2007

2006 in Pictures
December 22, 2006

Welcome to LetterPop!
December 4, 2006

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John is 53.

Where: Orange County, California   USA

Website: LetterPop!