Jason's LetterPop Profile

AvatarMy name is Jason,

I am blessed with an incredible wife and incredible kids (I guess that makes me Mr. Incredible, lol, just kidding). My life has been full of adventure. My father is a con-artist and still on the run. I grew up transient, living in cars, motels, campgrounds, the occasional apartment and even a cardboard box. I moved out and by the grace of God, graduated with honors from Harvard University, helped launch a major international company and after 9-11, performed threat assessments for the government and private sectors. Somewhere in there I was on a small NASCAR pit crew, did a couple of commercials and some voice over work.

Now, I sell chicken.

Join me in the extreme adventure of authentically living the gift of your life.


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A la Jason
December 6, 2006

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Jason is 53.

Where: USA