
The Blind Cat Beacon

Newsletter of Blind Cat Rescue 
Helping Blind Cats See a Future...
March, 2012
Happy Spring!!
Visitor Days Are Coming!
We will be hosting open house days on March 17 and April 14 from noon to four.  
These days are so important for our rescue.  They provide the chance for friends of the cats to meet and play with the kitties.  Cuddling and playing are so important to the happiness of the cats. We have quite a few long haired cats and brushing help is always needed.  Come join us for our open house days and meet your favorite blind cats!
Contest News!!
Big thanks to everyone who has supported our various contests throughout the fall and spring. These prizes help support our work with the blind cats and are so very important to us.  Here are some updates:

First Place Win in the Big Apple Contest,  $4,000 merchandise 

First Place Win in the 2012 pounds of Cat Litter! 
(that will keep us in litter for 2 months!)

First Place Win in the Animal Rescue Site Contest, $5,000 cash prize

We deeply appreciate everyone sharing their time to vote for us and sharing on Facebook. 

Next month Animal Rescue Site contest will return,  We are Not eligible for top prizes  BUT we are eligible for the $1,000 Weekly prize & We are eligible for the $1,000 State prize so we hope you will continue voting for us!

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With 600+ recipes, there's something for all!  Bon Appetite!!
Our cookbook project is in full swing!  Over 600 recipes from 7 countries were submitted, so we will have an amazing collection of delectable treats.  

We are hoping to have it ready for sale early July 2012.

This book will feature a hard back cover with ring binder and lots of extras, we think you will be thrilled with it!

Advertise in our book!

Advertise in our book!

We have a limited amount of advertising space available.  Check out our affordable prices!   If you have a .com,  Etsy store or eBay store this would be the perfect venue for you!

check out our website for more information:

The book will be shipped to over 7 countries.

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The warm sun feels good on Holly's pretty fur.
Meet the Cats!

Holly was dumped at the pound by her owners after 11 years! A local rescue group was going to pull her from the shelter until she tested FELV+.  Luckily, the pound tried to find her a placement before euthanization, and Holly came to BCR.  She became ill due to something she picked up at the pound, and eventually, her eyes had to be removed.  She had a very tough time, but she's recovered now.  Holly is a sweet older girl who just loves to go outside.  
Oreo loves lovin'! He's a purring machine!

Oreo was rescued by a wonderful group in Pennsylvania after 63 cats were seized by animal control due to neglect.  Oreo came to BCR.

Oreo's eyes were an absolute mess so we had them removed and got him a much needed dental.   He is adjusting well from his ordeal.

 He is a wonderful loving little fellow and is always the first to be wrapped around your legs or in your lap.  You can hear him purring from across the room.

Visitor's Days are his favorite because he gets lots of love and attention!  

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Signs of an URI: crusty eyes, inner eye lid showing, redness, eyes partially closed, stuffy nose.
We are often asked why our cats are blind.  There are many different reasons, of course, but one of the most common - and the most preventable - is from upper respiratory infections (URI).  Viruses are the most common cause or URI in cats.  Feline calicivirus and feline herpesvirus account for 80 to 90 percent of all contagious upper respiratory problems.  These are common in pounds, shelters, and multi-cat homes.
These viruses spread from cat to cat through sneezing, coughing, during grooming or sharing food and water bowls. Once infected, cats can become lifelong carriers, though they may not show clinical signs.  They can then transmit the virus to other cats.
Symptoms of URI include runny nose, squinty and crusty eyes, fever, sneezing, decreased appetite, cough, nasal/oral ulcers, and open-mouth breathing.
Left untreated, cats can go blind from the infection. Chronic breathing difficulty is another result as is pneumonia.  If you suspect your cat has an URI, it is important to get him to your vet immediately for treatment.

Li is a rescue cat who went blind from untreated glaucoma.
Glaucoma is increased pressure within the eye.  Left untreated, it can cause blindness in cats as well as in humans.  In its early stages it can be treated with medication to control the pressure.  Symptoms to watch for include red eyes, squinty or painful eyes, cloudiness, bulging eyes, and excessive tearing.
High blood pressure is another common cause of blindness.  Untreated, the retina can rupture, an event that can happen in a matter of days.  Cats with diabetes, kidney disease, and hyperthyroidism are at greater risk of high blood pressure and should be monitored.  Dilated pupils are an early sign.  The pupils won't react to light and there may be blood in the eye.  To treat high blood pressure, the underlying cause must be determined and treated.
Turmors around or in the eye can cause blindness.  In most cases, the eye must be removed.  
Kidney disease is common in aging cats. Renal failure often leads to hypertension.  
It is important to watch your cat's eyes for changes and to get regular vet checks.  We want your cat's vision to stay excellent!
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  Mickey is king of the back 


If you sit on the floor we promise you a lap of kitties

These pictures are from visitors day  3/17/2012

There are more on our website under our albums.

We also posted a large group on our Facebook page.


Elle showing off her spring cut


The kittens found a young friend to play with.

Our next open house will be Saturday 4/14  noon-4  Please email us if you need directions

We are open by appointment other times, please email before visiting.


Candy found this lap so comfortable she fell asleep


Lisa wanted to make sure Emily was clean and ready for visitors

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