The House of The Scorpion 
By Nancy Farmer


I believe the theme is treat one as you want to be treated and you should stand up for whats right even if others don't want you to.


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Exposition- Matt, a clone, was create from El Patron's DNA. Lives with a servant cook named Celia for most of his child hood and one days kids from the Alacran estate walking find him inside and try to talk him but since Celia locked the door and nailed the windows and falls on glass worried kids take them back to the Alacran estate.

Rising action- After getting taken to the house gets treated by doctor, and forced to live at the house in a room with the people treating him horrible because he is a clone.

El Patron come to visit and see if things are going ok, and people treat Matt nice from now one because of their fear of El Patron, also El Patron give Matt a body guard named Tam Lin.

Climax- El Patron has a heart attack and needs Matt's heart to stay alive, but Celia says no and cause she poisoned Matt enough to ruin his heart for a transplant for El Patron to get Matt's heart leading to El Patron death.

Falling Action- Matt escapes the mansion after El Patron dies, and find the lost boys a group of orphans that forced into hard labor. Matt helps the lost boys rebel against the Keepers. 

Resolution- Matt finds Maria, and her mother tells him he is the new "El Patron" and that he controls everything he owns and was willing to help him only if he was willing to%

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Nancy Farmer 



Scorpion like the one Tam Lin taught Matt how to pick up


"You can do it" Tam Lin

"Will you thank me for it later?" Eduardo


The Alacran Estate


Poppy Fields like the one in the story

Your text here.


What I think Tam Lin would like

A piano like Matt plays.

I recommend this book to all science fiction book lovers.

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